What an Event Planner is NOT

What an Event Planner is NOT

There are quite a few misconceptions and prejudices about our interesting and versatile profession. For instance, how often are you asked: 'Could you perhaps organise my birthday party?'


You must have experienced it yourself. If you tell that you're an event planner, you are immediately fitted with a label. One that is related to the job, to be sure, but that narrows the diversity of it to just one aspect.


We line up the 4 most common prejudices:


  • Oh, then you must be a real party animal!
    Okay people, once and for all: that we like to organise events does not automatically mean that we go crazy there ourselves. It is our task to make sure that you enjoy the event 100%, not to excessively amuse ourselves. On the contrary, the more fluently everything goes, the harder the event planner works.
  • Could you perhaps organise my birthday party?
    We are also not organisers of parties for friends, family, etc. Of course we are able to, and we would love to do it, but that is not where our added value lies.
  • Do you also organise meetings and team buildings then?
    Organising a meeting or a team building for your company is not the same thing as organising an event or congress. Management assistants are perfectly capable of doing that. If they are looking for something special, then they can count on us.
  • Could you help us out at the entrance and will you make a few copies?
    No, we are also no errand boys and girls. Of course, we are extremely flexible and we would love to assist there where it threatens to get out of hand. If there is a long queue at the entrance, then we are prepared to do our part. But remember it well: that's not our job. If something else requires our attention, then we have to move on.


But what IS an event planner?

An event planner is a creative jack of all trades who has to possess quite a few skills:


  • People manager
    You are a people manager in heart and soul. You don't just supervise your own team, but also have to motivate a small army of temporary workers to give your event everything they have.
  • Story teller
    Telling stories is in your blood. You create strong concepts which tell the story of your client, translated to a unique experience for the attendees.
  • Budget keeper
    You work with a tight budget, with which you have to exceed the expectations of your client and your attendees. Discipline and creativity are therefore vital in order to keep the budget balanced.
  • Marketing & PR officer
    You have marketing experience people can count on. Promoting your event is one of the most important parts of your job. You create amazing PR stunts and effective campaigns. Everything to draw attention to your event and to convince your attendees to subscribe.
  • Sales talent
    You not only need to sell your event to the public, but also to sponsors and partners. A healthy dose of sales skills is therefore essential.
  • Negotiator
    You work with various parties and subcontractors and barter quickly about watertight contracts. Therefore, you have to master your negotiation techniques well.
  • Project manager
    From planning and execution to follow-up, all phases of project planning are part of your skill set and not a single detail escapes your attention. You are the one that needs to get things done.
  • Crisis manager
    You keep a clear mind in emergency situations and think in solutions when something threatens to go wrong on your event.

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