Meeting Design Award at BEA World

Meeting Design Award at BEA World

For the second year, Bea World Festival has signed a partnership with the Meeting Design Institute to assign a Meeting Design Award within the Best Event Awards, the global competition dedicated to events and live communication.
Agencies based anywhere across the world will have the chance to enter their best projects in the special Meeting Design Feature Category. Besides, it will be still possible to choose from 4 additional feature categories (Low Budget Events, Sustainable Innovations, Use of Technology, Use of Web and Social Media), 14 event categories (such as Conventions, Cultural Events, Opening/Celebration Events, Live Entertainment, Roadshows etc.) and 2Macro Categories: B2B Event and B2C Event.

The Meeting Design Award will be assigned according to the fundamental values of Meeting Architecture. In order to compete for the Meeting Design Award, candidates will be asked to fill a form to demonstrate how they performed in each of the stages of creating a more effective meeting, conference or event.
For each candidate event, the Meeting Design Jury will be interested in how:

  • the objectives were identified,
  • the event was designed based on these objectives,
  • the execution of the project stayed true to the design,
  • the results were assessed.

These four successive stages can make an event more effective and impactful and are therefore an important methodology to resist cost cutting and answer the demand for more ROI. They help generate not only great, amazing and impressive events, but also equitable, sustainable and accountable projects.
The Jury will be composed by experts and specialists on meeting design that will judge online the projects entered and select the winners of the category. Moreover, events entered in the Meeting Design Category will compete also for main prizes such as the Bea World Grand Prix, and, if applicable, for the Iconic Event Award and Special Mentions. Nominees will have the chance to present their event live in front of the corporate Jury on the occasion of Bea World Festival, due to be held in Porto from November 15th and 18th, 2017.

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