6 Tips for a Better Work/Life Balance as Event Planner

6 Tips for a Better Work/Life Balance as Event Planner

A good work/life balance is a challenge to every professional, but if you are an event professional, it's even worse. Your job is nothing like a 9 to 5 job, and you often work while others are having fun. These 6 tips will help you in maintaining a better balance.


We probably won't have to tell you: being an event professional comes with quite a bit of stress. A hectic schedule, an inbox that bursts out of its seams and last-minute changes constantly demand your attention and require 100% flexibility. Without a decent balance between your private life and your job, exhaustion and burn-out are never far away. These 6 tips help you maintain that necessary balance between your work-life and your private life.


1. Make a concrete distinction between 'work' and 'life'

What is your definition of work and what is private time to you? It is actually better to put it as a good balance between exertion and relaxation. Which activities cost you energy and which ones replenish it? Know yourself. Define what relaxation truly means to you and find out what exhausts you. Especially when you don't have a 9 to 5 job, it is not easy to make that distinction.  


2. Define priorities every day

Start off your workday with a list of priorities. Determine the 3 most important matters that you definitely want to finish today. Give these priority.


3. Focus

Forget about that hip multi-tasking. Studies have shown that this is nefast to your productivity. Focus 100% on the task you are working on and don't squander energy on excess information and additional details. You can do this by focusing on your goal. You should decide beforehand what you would like to get done today and focus on that.


4. Allow yourself a little break

A good balance between exertion and relaxation also means that you take break regularly and sufficiently. For instance, take your time to eat. Or put a reminder on your phone that you have to take a break.  


5. Get regular exercise

A healthy mind in a healthy body, it's fairly self-explanatory. You should try to get exercise regularly. And this doesn't have to mean that you have to work out for an hour every day. Smaller exercise can also help. At least once a day, you should increase your heart-rate. Furthermore, you ought to take the stairs as much as possible and have business meetings whilst walking. These are examples of small exercises, but they help improve your mood and sleep cycle and they keep you healthy.  


6. Find support

Is the stress threatening to get the better of you? Are you unable to find peace? Then you should seek help. Take a course in stress management or find a coach. This way you handle exertion and exhaustion more conscienciously. Moreover, you will be taught techniques that will help you to resist stress moments and to maintain a good balance.  


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