Start-Up: LineApp

Start-Up: LineApp

Impeccable communication with your employees is crucial during your event. No walkie-talkie within reach? LineApp offers an alternative.


With this app, you can turn your smartphone into a powerful walkie-talkie with a decent sound quality. There are only three things you need: IOS or Android devices, LineApp and a Wi-Fi connection. You don't need to be connected to the internet. With these three ingredients, you can set up a robust intercom-system in a flash with a superior sound quality.


The software is simple and user friendly. You can talk to your entire team, to a selected group or to just one person. You can also set up a permanent connection, so that you can stay in touch with your employee continuously. Are you already using walkie-talkies? You can keep on using them, because LineApp is also compatible with existing radio systems. Sounds good. As long as your Wi-Fi connection works, of course.


In this series 'Start-Up' we discover starters with an innovative offer which is useful for the event industry.

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