8 Great Tips for a Successful Event Start-Up

8 Great Tips for a Successful Event Start-Up

In the event industry, the start-ups are popping up like mushrooms. That's not so strange, in this creative and innovative sector. But this is also an industry with fierce competition. Only the best start-ups survive.


These 8 great tips help you improve your chance of success.  


1. Start off with what you know

Make sure you have the relevant experience and knowledge of the event sector before you start with something. Starting up a company consumes great amounts of energy. If you don't know the event sector well or adequately, this means an extra investment to gain that knowledge. And that extra investment might just be too much to handle.


2. Make sure you provide added value

If you want to start up as an event organiser, focus on the added value you can provide. Arranging for tents and drinks is a basic skill. But creatively turning an event into an experience, that is truly a valuable skill. Make sure you give your customer more than you've promised. This is crucial to the success of every start-up.


3. Make a realistic business plan

Multiply your projected costs by two and divide your projected income by two. See where that gets you! Ask your friends to critically review your plan. After all, it's better to hear the criticism now from your friend, than later from your rival. And don't just take action according to what you believe is right, but also look for hard facts to back it up!


4. Choose your core activity

Decide what you do want to do but also especially what you do NOT want to do. Sometimes it seems like all starters in the event sector offer everything. From marketing and organisation, rental and catering, to the booking of artists. But that is unrealistic. Choose your own strength and use that strength.


5. Turn your start-up image into an advantage

No, don't say you're 'young and dynamic', cause that's what every start-up says. To a professional ears, that sounds like: "we've only just begun and we haven't got a clue". Advertise your unique quality as a start-up: your new idea, another way of working, your original vision...


6. 1 % inspiration, 99 % perspiration

A good idea is the core of every successful start-up. But daring to take risks, persevere, make it through setbacks, daring to fail and learning from that, working hard... That's what turns your start-up into a growing success.


7. Listen to your customers

Your start-up idea, that may seem perfect at a first glance, might not be perfect at all. So listen well to your customers and ask them for their feedback. Be open to their valuable insights. Based on their input, continuously polish your idea. Until it is truly perfect. Not for you, but for your customers.


8. Make sure you are surrounded by experts

Are you hiring people? Then you should make sure that they are smarter, more experienced or more capable than yourself. Give them every opportunity to fully use their capacities. Don't hold them back. It's not about your personal success, but about the success of your start-up. And therefore, you need their skills.


And last but not least: communicate about your product or service! eventplanner.tv helps you to put your start-up in the market with a strong marketing campaign tailored to start-ups.


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