Want to Make Large Events Personal? With these 10 Tips You can Do It!

Want to Make Large Events Personal? With these 10 Tips You can Do It!

Momice celebrated her 10th anniversary last week. Of course with an event! The most common feedback: amazing how warm and personal it felt. I also want this for my events!

Momice is happy to share the 'secret' with you!

1. Send a personal opening statement via a podcast

Each event usually starts together in a plenary session with an opening speech. You can replace this with a personal welcome message by sending the director / host or hostess in the form of a podcast. A pre-recorded audio message that you send the morning of the event. So that everyone along the way can hear the story and already has the practical information about the event.

2. Bring the corporate identity to life

When you create a unique corporate identity for an event, it contributes to the experience for the participants when you are completely 'immersed'. That starts from the invitation and all subsequent emails and event website. But also at the location by implementing that corporate identity in the branding & signage and the presentations of the speakers. Work the branding & signage into all communication at the event, such as check-in, catering, toilets, maps, or other information points.

3. Welcome all participants personally

Your participants probably had to do a lot to come to the event. Reward their attention to your event with the personal attention of the host or hostess by welcoming everyone at the door.


4. Offer small interactive sessions

Large plenary keynotes are often impersonal because as a participant you are one of hundreds. That makes asking questions and participating scary. When you create small interactive sessions, you make it much more accessible for participants to participate.

5. Make sure your participants never have to search for information

It is often forgotten how much communication needs to be done to ensure that all participants participate in the event smoothly. Too often, participants are still looking for the location and parking space. Make sure that all information about the location, parking, check-in, the program, who is coming is easily available. for example, on an event website and you use the email for the most important notifications.

6. Connect your participants with a game

One of the main reasons for participants to go to a physical event is to meet people. Networking alone is often only possible after the substantive program, during drinks. Ultimately, there is little networking there because people leave or do not approach people themselves. Then that's a huge shame. When you use a game during the program, you ensure that everyone is guided to meet new people. This can be done, for example, during lunch, where you are paired with other participants, or during an interactive session during the program.

7. Make sure that the host and the organization have all the time for their guests

Physical events often aim to establish new relationships or strengthen existing relationships. Therefore, make sure that the host/hostess has all the time during the event to focus solely on her guests. And not to be concerned with practical matters. Don't hang around backstage. But in conversation with your target group.

8. Offer flexible work on location

With a flexible workplace at an event location you remove the barrier to not coming because people are busy or have something to do that day. Especially if an event lasts all day, this flexible workspace can be the reason that people can come.


9. Offer your participants a program for as long as they want

Due to the current workload, you can use a flexible program to ensure that your invitee comes because he/she does not have to be there all day. With a 'festival' programming you actually say; come whenever you want. You decide how much you enjoy the program without them having to feel 'guilty' if they come late or leave early.

10. Ensure that the expert sessions are fully adapted to the target group

Events are experienced much more personally if the substantive sessions fully meet the needs of the target group. Too often a 'standard Keynote' story is told where the participant has to come up with an application to his or her world. When you brief your speakers / experts to ensure that the story really connects to the target group with examples and questions from 'their world', this contributes enormously to personal experience and also that they will do something with the new information.


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