How to Simplify the Work of Your Planning Team

How to Simplify the Work of Your Planning Team

We all know events are hard to plan. But what if this “by-default” thinking is mistaken? And what if we could move from the complexity of planning logistics to a more simplified way of managing events? Is this even possible?

The answer is a definitive and bold yes. Considering all the automation the events industry has been through in the past years, along with easy access to different resources, event logistics and communications should be less intense.

What we need to change is our approach to planning. We’re still wasting too much time and effort on doing things the old way, meaning manually. Think about all the hours and stress you’ve put into accomplishing a logistic task that would have taken just a few seconds if you had digitized it. Isn’t it frustrating to know that you’re spending way too much time and attention on things that would normally take just a few minutes, instead of focusing on designing unique experiences for your attendees? 

Yet, there are still so many planning teams taking the long path to plan an event and dealing with stressful logistics. To make sure you’re not one of them, here’s a quick list of tips on how to simplify the event logistics and optimize your time.

Tip 1. Create an event protocol

If you’ve planned more than one event, you can easily tell how similar they are in terms of logistics and marketing. All events ...

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