How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Event

How to Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Event

"LinkedIn is some sort of an online CV. I don't see how I could promote my event there." This is the common misconception people have about LinkedIn, and they would be right if we were still in 2015. However, things have changed, and LinkedIn has become a real gold mine in terms of self-promotion, connection, and added value. 

According to well-known marketer and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, "LinkedIn has transformed so much as a platform. Years ago, it used to just be for job seekers. People would post resumes, and only connect with people they knew and no one else. Now, it’s become more of a content platform.” As he highlights, “People share status updates, articles, and interact with each other within a business or professional context. And because the platform is still relatively early, they’ve made the organic reach insanely high. It’s where Facebook was at 5-7 years ago."

In other words, if you’re not using LinkedIn to its potential today, you’re missing out big time. Considering that LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, imagine how many high-qualified leads you can get to attend your event. Furthermore, you can build a strong network that will subsequently promote your content and your event to their connections. 

Sounds promising, doesn’t it? Indeed, yet as with any other ...

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