How Do You Create the Perfect Tweet for Your Event?

How Do You Create the Perfect Tweet for Your Event?

Whether your tweet will or will not be a hit cannot be predicted. Nevertheless, there are various tips to bring you one step closer to the 'perfect' tweet, as well as a handy infograph for the ideal structure of your tweet.


At the bottom of this article you can find the blueprint for the perfect tweet. The handy infograph reflects the ideal structure of a tweet and was created by Gerry Moran from Marketing Think.



To refine the content of your tweets you can follow these tips:

  • Put yourself in your reader's shoes (target group) and decide whether the tweet is amusing enough.
  • Write your tweet in such a way that it approaches a broad public.
  • Sell your message in a non-commercial way.
  • Use the proper punctuation in your tweet.
  • Ensure correct grammar and spelling.
  • Shorten links with

Do not forget to add the #hashtag of your event.




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