Clown Rocky

- Sparrenboslaan 21 - 210, 8420 De Haan, Belgium
Provides professional animations for anniversaries - communion parties - wedding anniversaries - also children's entertainment.
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3 reviews on Clown Rocky - 10/10
Write a review
Performance Molenfeesten
The organization is very satisfied with the performance of clown Rocky.
We received nothing but positive reactions about the show and the further content of the children's afternoon.
We have not noticed any point for improvement. The collaboration went smoothly, the installation was professional and the contractors were flexible about the venue. This is greatly appreciated as the board prefers to allow the children's afternoon to take place in the park and not on the stage in the tent.
Clown Rocky also clearly stated some important points of interest for the audience, which was a great help for the organization to get the message through to the entire audience.
We thank you for the good cooperation.
Kind regards,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jolene Van de Velde
Info - Tourism - Festivities
Market 1
8755 Ruiselede

Christmas party ACLVB Zele
the board of the A.C.L.V.B. secretariat Zele was very satisfied with the performance of 17/12/2017
the artists were present in plenty of time and the sound was certainly okay.
The show could also be followed over the entire space of the hall.
also kudos to the technician. We also want to thank this team for staying a bit longer so that we could still use the sound system for announcements after the performance.
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Activities Clown Rocky
- Activity regions:
- Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
- Activities:
- Clown
Sinterklaas party
Everyone was very enthusiastic about yesterday's performance. We would like to thank your team for the wonderful performance of Clown Rocky, De Sint and his Pieten.
We have received a lot of positive comments about the show.
That is why we want to work with you again next year for the animation for our Sinterklaas party.
Is Clown Rocky still free, if necessary with a different show?
show original
Iedereen was heel enthousiast over de voorstelling van gisteren. Alvast willen wij jullie ploeg bedanken voor het schitterende optreden van Clown Rocky, De Sint en zijn Pieten.
We hebben heel wat positieve commentaren ontvangen omtrent de show.
Daarom willen wij volgende jaar opnieuw met jullie in zee gaan voor de animatie voor ons Sinterklaasfeest.
Is Clown Rocky nog vrij, desnoods met een andere show?