Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match

Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match

Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
  • Graaf van Egmondstraat 10, 3284 AR Zuid-Beijerland, Netherlands

Going back in time to Grandmothers days in Old Dutch style.


All our entertainment brings a memory to yesteryear. Interactive or performing for you. 

When you celibrate a party in The Netherlands it is a perfect moment to endure yourself in typical Dutch cultures, atmospheres and customs.

For example Old Dutch Games, a Volendam and Old Dutch Photoshoot in traditional cotsumes, Herringcart, Old Crafts with artisinal made products and demonstrations.

Or a warm welcome with our Dutch Cheesegirls.

Music from the Barrel Organ or Accordeon or duo The Best Mates with navy songs from the Netherlands and French and English.

Rembrandt van Gein is a charicaturepainter dressed like the famous painter in the 17th century.

Let your guests paint their own Delftsblue Tile or Wooden Shoe.

Would you like to try a Stroopwafel or Poffertjes? We make them fresh on your location of choice.


Check our website of contact us for more detailed information.

Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
Why does the Dutch red, white and blue attract so much? And certainly with foreign guests
24 January 2025

There is no exact reason for the use of colour in the Dutch flag. In general, red symbolises the people, white stands for the church and blue represents the nobility. The blue stands for the sea on which our country lies. The addition of the orange pennant has to do with the Royal House; Van Oranje Nassau.

Foreign guests are usually ...

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4 reviews on Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match - 9.4/10

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Rene Rene Serno

The puppet show

On behalf of the shopkeepers' association of Sliedrecht (Kerkbuurt) I was allowed to invite the puppet show to come and play.
An older man and a young colleague got out of the van that was driving up. After some talking back and forth, the gentlemen started to build the puppet show. Considering all this I thought to myself "this is definitely old Dutch" with the emphasis on old. Everything shows that this puppet theater dates from an earlier century. Once everything was in place with some help from strings, etc., the puppeteer entered the arena in his already dated polka dot costume. The performance begins, it sounded from the creaky music box. Jan Klaasen entered the stage and started his adventure. The passion that this puppeteer showed was unprecedented. The nearly 30 children stood on the benches screaming and jumping when the crook appeared. Completely immersed in the story, these kids experienced the wonderful world of the puppet show. In fact, I must confess that I dreamed back to my youth when I was left behind by my mother at the puppet theater as a little boy. A chapeau and a deep bow for this puppet show with its nostalgic look.

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Feedback from Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match on this review:

How very nice to read. Thank you.

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Nathalie Brouwer
Expert|Schmink with Joy|

Delicious sweets

I have already worked with them a few times. I really liked it. Entertaining of a high level and the sweets really from grandmother's time. Delicious nostalgia.

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Hans van Gils
Expert|Hans E & A|

Fine cooperation

For the past 3 years I have been able to work for WZH thanks to Ilse Spruit from Fun & Party Match. This residential care organization organizes a parade every year for their residents, family, staff, carers, volunteers, etc. Ilse always knows how to ensure that everything is properly arranged. Very professional how she works. Thinks along, always comes to see if everything is properly arranged for these kinds of large assignments, etc. In addition, I regularly work for her as an Old Dutch Photographer. She then thinks about the details for printing with or without a logo and all other additional preconditions. Whether Ilse has an assignment for me as mentioned above or as a crier, city crier, various Christmas acts ..... it is always well arranged

And most importantly, the invoices are paid very quickly. I hope to be able to work with this professional for years to come.

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Ellen Verweij

Great Halloween party

What a great party it was. Really great done that decoration. I expected a lot, but not this. Super awesome.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

Characteristics Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match

Music genre band


Tribute and showbands 

Activities Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match

Activity regions:
Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Animation | Artists Agency | Live Bands
Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
Celebrate and commemorate 80 Years of Liberation
16 October 2024

80 Years of Liberation is already being celebrated or commemorated here and there in the Netherlands.

On June 6, 1944, D-Day began with Operation Overlord in Normandy. The beginning of the Liberation in France by the Allies, moving on to Belgium and then the Netherlands. On September 17, 1944, Operation Market Garden began, you know it: A Bridge Too Far.

Check our ...

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Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
New Acts: Halloween, Sinterklaas and Christmas
19 August 2024

👉Halloween Character - Madame Molly Mae Brown

Madame Molly Mae Brown is based on a character from the ghost town of Sandon, British Columbia, Canada, in the late 1800s. Molly was a madame who, together with her 'ladies', caused havoc, committed thefts and were constantly drunk. After her death it was revealed that she gave a lot to charity and was ...

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Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
Medieval Entertainment
2 July 2024

As Old Dutch Entertainment we also have various Medieval items. For example:

* Malloot Puck and Merchants Clementina and Clara

Merchant Clementina: means gentle, yielding and merciful.

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Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
Delft blue Poffertjes stall
1 February 2024

With a typical Delft blue pattern, this setting really stands out. A cozy cozy appearance and does not take up too much space. 2 meters wide, 2.5 meters deep.

Suitable for an I Love Dutch theme party, or when you receive foreign guests, at a market, anywhere actually. We can bring a tent for an outdoor location.

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Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
Combine Volendam & Old Dutch Photo Shoot with Haringkar
15 January 2024

🐟The Hollandse Nieuwe is expected in the week of June 10. Book your Herring Party with an authentic Herring Cart in time.

The herring is A-Quality from Katwijk supplemented with Amsterdam onions and sour bombs. The herrings are cleaned on site so that they can be bitten off or eaten sliced. Fresh from the knife!

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Oud Hollands Entertainment / Fun & Party Match
The Gentle Dickens Ladies
29 November 2023

The Gentle Dickens Ladies have been renewed.

Beautiful Victorian, Charles Dickens, Christmas Carol costume with crinoline.

The ladies are flexible and can be used for various purposes.

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