Hofpoortteater Elckerlijc

  • Hofpoort 6, 2300 Turnhout, Belgium

Hofpoort theater Elckerlijc. How did Hofpoortteater Elckerlijc come about? Ten ambitious youngsters from the Kunstverbond from Turnhout wanted to broaden their theater horizon in 1959 and bring the 'reality of life' on stage. Perhaps it was possible to experiment with a different, more modern playing style in one effort. They promptly started a new theater association: Elckerlijc. After playing at various locations for a few years, they found a permanent place in 1962 in the Luizenpoort, an alley on the Grote Markt, in a room that could accommodate 60 theater fans. During that period there were a dozen actors and actresses, who also formed the board and at the same time provided the scenery and technology, but the Luizenpoort soon became too small. So a new location had to be found. In an animated procession across the Grote Markt, the association moved from Luizenpoort to Hofpoort in 1978. From now on Elckerlijc would also be officially called Hofpoortteater Elckerlijc. The move gave the association new impetus. A conscious effort was now made to expand the group and engage professional directors.The new location and renewed impulse enabled Elckerlijc to grow into an association of 70 members, 40 of whom are players and 500 subscribers, some of whom are from far beyond. the region. Currently, around 70 performances are presented per season, spread over six of our own productions, including an aperitif production on Sunday afternoons and a one-act festival and youth production. In addition, all this is supported by a competent and motivated technical and decor team.

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Characteristics Hofpoortteater Elckerlijc



Number of people

1 - 100 



public transport 

parking - paid 


city (centre) 

Catering venue

bring your own caterer 


sound system 


Activities Hofpoortteater Elckerlijc

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Belgium | Netherlands