

  • Kronenburgpark 13, 5321 JM Hedel, Netherlands

Crowdcom specializes in audience counters and crowd management for events, public buildings and urban areas. By counting the audience, a good live picture of the total number of visitors, bottlenecks and crowds is created. In addition, we warn in plenty of time when a certain busyness is approaching and we provide crystal-clear reports afterwards to permit authorities and emergency services.

Our system translates the movement and height of people directly into counting data. The advantage of using video analysis is freedom that the visitor retains. No gates are needed to count, no obstacles or impediments. In addition, we count a walking route in two directions with 1 sensor.

Privacy is one of the most important themes in monitoring. Crowdcom only uses sensors whose privacy is guaranteed to the public. We do not store images, do not track personal data (such as a MAC address or WIFI connection) and work exclusively within the framework of the GDPR

The software that Crowdcom uses is called Event Dashboard and has been developed entirely in-house. The Event Dashboard is packed with powerful calculation tools to present all data to you as clearly as possible. Each Dashboard is unique and built especially for you. You always have all the data relevant to you for this.

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Activities Crowdcom

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Germany | Netherlands | Thuringia | Schleswig-Holstein | Saxony-Anhalt | Saxony | Saarland | Rheinland-Pfalz | North Rhine-Westphalia | Lower Saxony | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Hesse | Hamburg | Bremen | Brandenburg | Berlin | Bavaria | Baden-Württemberg
evaluation | Access Control | Traffic and Crowd Control