Hof ter Delft

  • Laar 42, 2180 Ekeren, Belgium

If you were looking for an unusual meeting room with an exclusive setting and tasteful service, you have found it now! Welcoming guests is done with special attention that should never weaken into routine. We therefore spare no effort to receive you and your guests in a stylish and original way. Hof ter Delft offers you a lot of culinary options: from the classic menu, stylishly served at the table, to cold and warm buffet, with the central cooking block where dishes are prepared on site as an eye-catcher.

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Activities Hof ter Delft

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Meeting Rooms in Ekeren | Meeting Rooms | Banquet hall rental in Ekeren | Banquet hall rental | Wedding Venues in Ekeren | Wedding Venues