Perimeter83 offers a variety of event and coworking spaces that can accommodate groups of various sizes. Our modern and flexible spaces can be customized to fit any event, whether it's a meeting, conference, workshop, or networking event. Our conference rooms come equipped with high-speed internet and audio/visual technology to ensure that your presentations run smoothly. We also have a large event space that can be configured to meet your specific needs as well as catering options available at an additional fee. *Outside food and beverage is prohibited*. Our indoor theater can hold 148 people and is equipped with audio/visual equipment. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your event is a success. Event space holds about 60 people, but room can be configured to fit more people but would need to talk to listing agent for details. All events must commence by 9pm and adhere to sound ordinance.

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1 review on Perimeter83

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Sarah Nieto

NAPO-AZ Trade Show

Our non-profit organization held a Trade Show at the Perimeter83, which fit right into our budget. Our event was a huge success!! It was such a pleasure to work with Erin, she was so helpful from start to finish. I would recommend Perimeter83, this is a great venue.

EVENTS - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics Perimeter83



Number of people

1 - 60 


parking - free 

Catering venue

in-house catering 


air con 

sound system 


Activities Perimeter83

Activity regions:
USA | Arizona
Meeting Rooms in Phoenix | Meeting Rooms | Event Venues Rental in Phoenix | Event Venues Rental
venue | meeting space | presentation space | meetings venue | training space | boardroom | tech space | conference room | workshop space | event space | shared space | coworking space | corporate training space | private office | conference space