Sportpaleis Antwerpen
What if ... the Sportpaleis had wings ?!
Sportpaleis Antwerpen|
24 June 2020

The rules of the game are not the same for everyone in this corona crisis time and that requires creativity. So what if… the Sportpaleis had wings and would henceforth be called SportpalAIR? It is June 2020 and SportpalAIR has just been founded. The new Sportpaleis is the first flying concert hall in the world to occupy a unique position in the world of aviation. Thanks to the separate standards and measures for aviation, more than 200 people can suddenly enjoy a theater performance or concert at the same time. In addition to investments in SportpalAIR, the establishment of Lotto ArenAIR, Ethias ArenAIR, Vorst NationAIR, CapitolAIR, StadsschouwAIR and Ethias TheatAIR are also planned. SportpalAIR has the ambition to continue flying on its own without significant government support. Later today, SportpalAIR expects the security council to provide the necessary reasonableness so that it can get off to a flying start and the live music sector gets a new perspective.

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