
  • Hyperonenweg 8c, 3542 AG Utrecht, Netherlands

Organizing a company outing, family outing or other day out? How about a cooking workshop? We give buying workshops in a professional cooking studio or on location. In addition to giving buying workshops, you can also contact us for a cook at home. Our chef will cook for you for (from) 6 people for 2.5 hours. This way you can fully enjoy a pleasant evening with friends or family. A cook at home at Keukenvuur is possible in the Utrecht area. Finally, Keukenvuur offers catering. Keukenvuur has extensive experience in providing catering for both private and business customers. Are you looking for catering for a large group? That is no problem at all for Keukenfire! Of course, requesting a quote is without obligation.

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Characteristics KeukenVuur










Catering type


walking dinner 



chef at home 

Activities KeukenVuur

Activity regions:
Utrecht | Netherlands
Event Catering | Team building