
  • Sweijersgewanden 6, 6369 HA Simpelveld, Netherlands

Gadget shop, the webshop for the best party and party gadgets. We sell glow sticks, break bars, foam sticks, fiber sticks, equalizer led shirts, glow shirts, equalizer shirts, led badges, red flashing hearts, flash necklaces, El wite wire and glasses, led glasses, glow glasses, whistles with light, illuminated beer and champagne glasses, gloves with light and much, much more ...

We supply quality products from a very large stock and ship with PostNL. In many cases, ordered today will be delivered tomorrow.

If you need a party gadget that you cannot find anywhere, please let us know through our good contacts with suppliers from all over the world we can certainly help you.

Try out our products for your party or event, you will certainly not regret it!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Gadgetwinkel

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Netherlands
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